Masashi MURAKAMI käpylinnun pesäpuussa - Dr. Masashi MURAKAMI at Crossbill's nest
Tri Masashi MURAKAMI tarkasti pikkukäpylinnun pesän. Siellä oli 4 poikasta poikasta, jotka voivat kylmästä ja sumuisesta säästä huolimatta hyvin.
Dr. Masahi MURAKAMI inspected the nest of Common Crossbill. He recorded that there were 4 chics in the nest and that they were doing well despite of cold and foggy early summer weather.
Dr. Masahi MURAKAMI inspected the nest of Common Crossbill. He recorded that there were 4 chics in the nest and that they were doing well despite of cold and foggy early summer weather.